Planning for Tax Time – Tips if you’re a sole trader
Planning for Tax Time – Tips if you’re a sole trader
April 6, 2022
Cut Up Your Cards!!!
May 18, 2022

May the Fourth Be With You!

Yes, I know, it’s corny but it is the fourth of May and using a Star Wars theme is always fun isn’t it? It’s had such a resurgence of late, even my children can’t get enough of Star Wars and are mildly amused that I saw the very first Star Wars movie when I was a teenager. God forbid, something I like they also like!!

So, since we are talking about Star Wars and the universe, this week’s theme is reaching for the stars. Setting goals is something I am extremely passionate about. There are many sayings that go with setting goals

A goal properly set is halfway reached

A goal without a date is just a dream

I love this last one because dreaming is important, it is what gives us ideas about what we want to do. Take me at the moment. I’m reading caravanning magazines and watching every outdoor adventure show I can get my beady little eyes on as it’s my dream to travel around Australia in a caravan for an indefinite amount of time. Do I have a timeframe? You betcha! My twins have two and ¾ years left of school so I plan to be out of here within 5 years at the latest, just enough time to get my itchy feet travelling before there are any weddings and pitter patter of tiny feet in our family!

So how do we set goals? For me, I have a system that I follow whereby I write down all my goals that I want to achieve, both personally and professionally and just brainstorm them for the next 12 months then I chunk it down to six months, 3 months, one month and even a weekly reminder of how to achieve them. If you would like a copy of my goal setting template, send me an email and I’ll happily forward it to you. I also love to do a vision board which sits on the wall in my office so it’s a constant reminder of the things that I want to do, I want to achieve and keeps me focused on my work to achieve them. Goals should be SMART. What do I mean by this?

S : Specific

M : Measurable

A : Achievable

R : Relevant

T : Time bound

In my 6 week online course we look at goal setting and vision boarding and work together to set some achievable outcomes. I’d love to work with you in developing your goals and helping you reach for the stars.

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